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Journal of tlx

Ropal microscopical Societp



z o o n, o o y ^.nsriD botawy

(principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia) MIOROSOOPY, cSsc.




Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen




Keeper, Department of Botany, IVoohvicli Arsenal

British Museum

Minimis partibus, per tot urn Naturae campum, certitudo omnis innititur quas qui fugit pariter Naturam fugit. Linnceus.





of Messrs. WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 Henrietta Street, London, W.C. and of Messrs. DULAU & CO., 37 Soho Square, London, W.

Extra and informal Meetings are held on the 1st and 4th Wednesday evenings of the month. These Meetings are devoted to : (1) Biology, Bacteriology, and Histology ; (2) Microscopical Optics and Microsope Construction.



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Established in 1839. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1866.

The Society was established for the promotion of Microscopical and Biological Science by the communication, discussion, and publication of observa- tions and discoveries relating to (1) improvements in the construction and mode of application of the Microscope, or (2) Biological or other subjects of Microscopical Research.

It consists of Ordinary, Honorary, and Ex-officio Fellows of either sex.

Ordinary Fellows are elected on a Certificate of Recommendation signed by three Ordinary Fellows, setting forth the names, residence, and description of the Candidate, of whom the first proposer must have personal knowledge. The certificate is read at two General Meetings, and the Candidate balloted for at the second Meeting.

The Admission Fee is 11. 2s. ; and, thft Annual Subscription 21. 2s., pay- able on election, and subsequently in advance on 1st January annually. The Annual Subscriptions may be compounded for at any time for 31/. 10s. Fellows elected at a meeting subsequent to that in February are only called upon for a proportionate part of the first year's subscription. The annual Subscrip- tion of Fellows permanently residing abroad is 1/. lis. 64. or a reduction of one-fourth.

Honorary Fellows (limited to 50), consisting of persons eminent in Microscopical or Biological Science, are elected on the recommendation of five Ordinary Fellows and the approval of the Council.

Ex-offieio Fellows (limited to 100), consisting of the Presidents for the time being of any Societies having objects in whole or in part similar to those of the Society, are elected on the recommendation of ten Ordinary Fellows and the approval of the Council.

The Council, in whom the management of the property and affairs of the Society is vested, is elected annually, and is composed of the President, four Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, two Secretaries, and twelve other Ordinary Fellows.

The Meetings are held on the third Wednesday in each month, from October to June, at 20 Hanover Square, W. (commencing at 8 p.m.). Visitors are admitted by the introduction of Fellows. (See preceding page.)

The Journal, containing the Transactions and Proceedings of the Society, and a Summary of Current Researches relating to Zoology and Botany (principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia), Microscopy, etc., is published bi-monthly, and is forwarded post-free to all Ordiuary and Ex-officio Fellows residing in countries within the Postal Union.

The Library, with the Instruments, Apparatus, and Cabinet of Objects, is open for the use of Fellows daily (except Saturdays), from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is closed for four weeks during August and September.

Forms of proposal for Fellowship, and any further information, ma;/ be obtained by application to the Secretaries, or Assistant-Secretary, at the Library of the Society, 20 Hanover Square, W.

a 2





•Sir Richard Owen, K.C.B. D.C.L. M.D. LL.D. F.R.S. 1840-1

*John Lindley, Ph.D. F.R.S 1842-3

*Thomas Bell, F.R.S 1844-5

•James Scott Bowerbank, LL.D. F.R.S 1846-7

•George Busk, F.R.S 1848-9

*Arthur Farre, M.D. F.R.S 1850-1

•George Jackson, M.R.C.S 1852-3

•William Benjamin Carpenter, C.B. M.D. LL.D. F.R.S. 1854-5

*George Shadbolt 1856-7

*Edwin Lankester, M.D. LL.D. F.R.S 1858-9

*John Thomas Quekett, F.R.S 1860

*Robert James Farrants, F.R.C.S 1861-2

•Charles Brooke, M.A. F.R.S 1863-4

•James Glaisher, F.R.S 1865-6-7-8

*Rev. Joseph Bancroft Reade, M.A. F.R.S 1869-70

* William Kitchen Parker, F.R.S 1871-2

*Charles Brooke, M.A. F.R.S 1873-4

*Henry Clifton Sorby, LL.D. F.R.S 1875-6-7

*Henry James Slack, F.G.S 1878

•Lionel S. Beale, M.B. F.R.C.P. F.R.S 1879-80

*Peter Martin Duncan, M.B. F.R.S 1881-2-3

*Rev. William Hy. Dallinger, M.A. LL.D. F.R.S. 1884-5-6-7 •Charles Thos. Hudson, M.A. LL.D. (Cantab.), F.R.S. 1888-9-90

Robert Braithwaite, M.D. M.R.C.S 1891-2

Albert D. Michael, F.L.S 1893-4-5-6

Edward Milles Nelson 1897-8-9

William Carruthers, F.R.S. F.L.S. F.G.S 1900-1

Henry Woodward, LL.D. F.R.S. F.G.S. F.Z.S 1902-3

Dukinfield Hy. Scott, M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. 1904-5-6 The Right Hon. Lord Avebury, P.C. D.C.L. LL.D.

F.R.S., etc 1907-8

* Deceased


Elected 20th January, 1909.

presto ent.

Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, K.C.B. M.A. LL.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. F.Z.S.

$tcc-presiucnts. *Frederic J. Cheshire. Rev. W. H. Dallinger, LL.D. D.Sc. D.C.L. F.R.S.

F.L.S. F.Z.S. The Right Hon. Sir Ford North, P.C. F.R.S. E. J. Spitta, L.R.C.P. (Loud.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.).


Wynne E. Baxter, J.P. D.L. F.G.S. F.R.G.S.


R. G. Hebb, M.A. M.T). F.R.C.P. J. W. Gordon.

#rbwarp ^Umbers of Council. F. W. Watson Baker. *A. N. Disney, M.A., B.Sc. J. W. H. Eyre, M.D. F.R.S. (Edin.).

E. Heron Allen, F.L.S. F.Z.S. F.R.Met.S. Henry George Plimmer, F.L.S. Thomas H. Powell.

C. Price-Jones M.B. (Lond.). Percy E. Radley.

*Julius Rheinberg. *Charles F. Rousselet.

F. Shillington Scales, M.A. (Cantab.) M.B. B.C.


* Members of the Publication Committee.


Percy E. Radley. curators. Charles F. Rousselet. F. Shillington Scales, B.A. (Cantab.) M.B. B.C.

assistant secretary. F. A. Parsons.




I. The Mouth-parts of the Nemocera and their Relations to the other Families in Diptera. Corrections and additions to the paper published in 1904. By W. Wesche, F.R.M.S. (Plates I. to IV.) .. 1

II. Note on a New Growing Cell for Critical Observations under the Highest

Powers. By A. A. C. Eliot Merlin. (Fig. I) 17

III.— A Workshop Microscope. By J. E. Stead, F.R.S. (Fig. 2) 20

IV. A Simple Method of Illuminating Opaque Objects. By J. E. Stead,

F.E.S. (Figs. 3-5) 22

V. On Mounting Rotifers and Protista in Canada Balsam. By The Rev.

Eustace Tozer. (Fig. 6) 24

VI.— The "Red Snow" Plant, Sphserella nivalis. By G. S. West, M.A., D.Sc.

F.L.S 28


VII. The President's Address: On Seeds with Special Reference to British Plants. By the Right Hon. Lord Avebury, P.C., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. (Figs. 20-41) 137

VIII. Some Remarks on a German Silver Powell Portable Microscope made in

1850. By A. A. C. Eliot Merlin 167

IX. On Syncliseta fehnica sp. n., and Remarks on the Resting-egg of Synchxta

peclinata. By C. F. Rousselet, F.R.M.S. (Plate V.) 170

X. On the Fresh-water Crustacea of Algeria and Tunisia. By Robert

Gurney. (Plates VII. to XIV.) 273

XI. On the Recent and Fossil Foraminifera of the Shore-sands of Selsey Bill, Sussex.- II. By Edward Heron-Allen, F.L.S.. F.R.M.S., and

Arthur Earland. (Plates XV., XVI.) 306

XII. A New Illuminator for the Microscope. By J. W. Gordon, F.R.M.S.

(Figs. 71, 72) 417

XIII. On the Recent and Fossil Foraminifera of the Shore-snnds of Selsey Bill, Sussex.— III. By Edward Heron-Allen, F.L.S., F.R.M.S.. and Arthur Earland. (Plates XVIL, XVIII.) 422

XIV.— On the Measurement of Very Minute Microscopical Objects. By Edward

M.Nelson 540

XV.— The Disappearance of the Nucleolus in Mitosis. By E. J. Sheppard,

F.R.M.S. (Plate XIX.) 551

XVI.— On the Recent and Fossil Foraminifera of the Shore-sands of Selsey Bill. Sussex,— IV. By Edward Heron-Allen, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., and Arthur Earland. (Plates XX.. XXI.) 67 <




Jean Alfred Nachet. (Plate VI.) 174

Henri van Heurck 555

Rev. W. H. Dallinger, LL D., D.Sc., D.C.L , F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. (Plate XXII.) 699


Relating to Zoology and Botany (principally Invebtebrata and Cryptogamia), Microscopy, &c, including Oeiginal Communications from Fellows and Others.* 31, 176, 337, 447, 558, 703


a. Embryology.

Winiwarter, Hans v., & G. Sainmoint— Oogenesis in Cat 31

Kuschakewitsch, Sergius Origin of Primitive Germ-cells in Rana esculenta . . 31

Widakowich, V. Entrance of Dogfish Ovum into the Oviduct 31

Kaufmann- Wolf, Marie Hyperdactylism in Houdan Fowls 32

Riddle, 0. Fault-bars in Feathers 32

Ritchie, James Hump-bached Trout 32

Pearl, Maud de Witt, & Raymond Pearl Race-crossing and Sex Ratio .. 33

Jordan, David Starr Geminate Species 33

Cook, O. F Evolution without Isolation 33

Heape, Walter Russo's attempt to show Differentiation of Sex in Ovarian Ova of

Rabbit 176

Guver, Michael F. Sex of Pheasant Hybrids 176

Kingsbury, B. P., & H. D. Reed Columella auris in Amphibia 177

Delage, Yves Electric Stimulation and Parthenogenesis 177

Tbaube, Isidor Factors in Artificial Parthenogenesis 337

Chappellier, A. Degeneration of Ovarian Follicles in White Mice .. . .. 337

Bouin, P., & P. Ancel Function of Corpus Luteum 33 i

Bali.owitz, E. Spermatozoa of Bats and Lemurs 338

Metzner, R. Development of Salivary Glands of Cat 338

Weiss, Otto Development of Poison-glands in Anura 338

Maximuw, A. Amitosis in Embryonic Tissues of Mammals .. 338

Tornier, G. Artificially Induced Albinism of the Shin in Axolotl larvae .. .. 338

Nusbaum, J. Development of SJcull in Teleosts 338

Guitel F. Expulsion of Eggs in Entelurus xquoreus 389

Hurst, C. C. Inheritance of Eye-colour in Man 339

Mudge, G. P. Inheritance of Coat-colour in Rats 839

Da rbi shire, A. D. Experimental Estimation of the Theory of Ancestral Contribu- tions in Inheritance 339

Punnett, R C. Alleged Influence of Lecithin on Determination of Sex .. .. 447

Lecaillon, A. Parthenogenetic Segmentation in Birds 447

Niskoubina, N. Structure and Function of Corpus Luteum 448

Ancel, P., & P. Bouin Corpus Luteum and Mammary Gland 448

Regaud, Cl., & G. Dubredil Two Ova together in Rabbit 4 is

Oh ampy. Christian Interstitial Cells of Testis in Frog 44 S

Dubreuil, G., & Cl. Regaud Interstitial Gland in Ovary of Rabbit 448

Lecaillon, A. ^Interstitial Cells of Mole's Testis 448

* In order to make the Contents complete, the papers printed in the ' Transactions '

and Uiu Notes printed in the 'Proceedings' are entered here.



Wolterstorff, W. Hyrid Neiots 449

Meves, Fk. Chondriosomes as Bearers of Inheritance 449

Ussoff, D. D. Notochord and Archenteron 449

Krauss, Fr. Notochord Cartilage in Urodela 44!»

Wilson, James Colours 0/ Highland Cattle 44!)

Heape, Walter Proportion of Sexes produced by Whites and Coloured People in

Cuba 558

Morgan, T. H. Breeding Experiments with Rats 559

Bouin, P., & P. Ancel Function of Corpus luteum .".Co

Gorwitsch, Al. Regulation Phenomena 560

Joseph, H. Ovary of Anthropoids 560

Fernandez, Miguel Development of Tatusia ;>t;u

Lecaillon, A. Changes in Cicatricula of Unfertilised Egg of Fowl 561

Sonnenbrodt Growth-period of Oocyte of the Foivl 561

Knape, Ernst v. Development of Cornea in the Chick 561

Chambers, Robert Influence of Size of Egg and Temperature on Growth of Frog 561

Ahrend, W. Three-year-old Tadpoles .. '.. 561

Ziegler, H. E. Embryo of Chlamydoselachus anguineus 562

Nussbaum, M. Study of Heredity 562

Hart. D. Berry Mendelian Action on Differentiated Sex 703

Wunderer, H. Development of the Alpine Salamander .. .. 705

Lecaillon, A. Parthenogenetic Segmentation in Hen's Eggs 706

Kurkiewicz, T. Development of Myocardium 707

KiNZ, A. Sympathetic Nervous System of a Pig 7n7

Pearl, Raymond Regulation in Shell- Making 7n7

Pearl, R., & F. M. Surface Formation of Shell on Birds' Eggs 707

Regaud, Cl., & G. Dibrelil Ovarian Interstitial Gland in Rabbit 708

Guyer, M. F. Spermatogenesis of Guinea-fowl 7' 18

b- Histolog-y.

Kollmann, Max Leucocytes in Invertebrates 33

Franz, V. Structure of Pigment-cells 34

Lupxi. Helene Regeneration of Intestinal Epithelium in Cobitis fossilis .. ». 34

Winiwarter. Hans v. Interstitial Tissue of Mammalian Ovary B4

Harrison, Ross G. Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves 34

Ebnek, V. v. Structure of Dentine 340

Lelievre, A., & E. Retterer Smooth Muscles of Birds 340

Jolly. J. Lymphatic Ganglia in Birds 340

Michalovsky, J. Functional Changes in Bird's Proventriculus 341

Osawa. Gakutaro Minute Structure of Japanese Giant Salamander 341

Drzewina, Anna Blood of Fishes 341

Pawlowsky. E. Poison-glands of Fishes 341

Parker, W. N., & T. H. Bcrlend— Efferent Ducts of Testis in Chimxra .. .. 341

Hammar, J. Aug. Thymus of Teleosteans *50

Li lievre, A., & E. Retterer Structure of Red Blood Corpuscles 450

Jordan, H. E. Shape of Mammalian lied Blood Corpuscles 450

Retterer, Ed. Form and Size of Red Blood Corpuscle* in Domestic Animals .. 151

Reichenow, E. Degenerative Changes in Intestine of Tadpoles ^51

Lelievre, A., & E. R 1 tterer Skeletal Muscle of Vert eh-ates 451

Gallardo, Angel Bipolar ity of Cell-division 562

Regaud, Cl. Mitochondria of Seminal Epithelium of Rat 562

Retterer, E., & A. Lelievre Intestinal Musculature in Tench 562

Halpenny. J., & F. D. Thompson— Thyroid and Parathyroid •• 562

Cri-si, G. Vastarini Structure of Afferent and Efferent Arteries of the Renal Glo- merulus in Mammals •.'',-;

Retterer, E., & A. Lelievre Structure of Myocardium 50.

Valle, Paolo Della. Variability in Number of Chromosomes J0J

Winkler, C. Nervou* System of a Deaf White Cat ^jj;s

Franz, Victor Eye of Birds l";'

Arcangeli, A. Stomach Glands of Lizard ' j

Viguier, G.— Thyroid Gland of Gecko '0!


o. General. page

Menegaux, A. Habits of Sloths 34

Sewertzoff, A. N. Theory of Pentadactyl Limb 35

Revilliod, P. Relation of Size and Structure of Intestine to Diet .. .. . . 35

Reichert, E. T., & A. P. Brown Hemoglobins of various Vertebrates 35

Gray, Albert A. Labyrinth of the Ear , 35

Brunner, H. L. Moulting in Lizards 35

Lesage, J. Skeletal Sexual Character in Argentine Frog 36

Genzoe, K. J. Age and Rate of Growth of Eel 36

Smith, <i. Elliot— Brain of Lepidosiren 36

Agar, W. E. Vascular Filaments on Pectoral Fin of Lepidosiren paradoxa .. 36

Gill, Theodor —Habits of Miller's Thumbs 37

Stead, D. G. Fishes of New South Wales 37

Schneider, Guido Fauna of the Obersee 37

Platk, L. Fish living inside Strombus 37

Matthew, W. D. Mammalian Migrationsin Tertiary Times 177

Polak, Clara— Structure of Colobus 177

Sweet, Georgina— Eyes of Chrysochloris 178

,, Variations in Hyla aurea 178

Poll, Heinrich Hybrid Newts 178

Hammar, J. A. Thymus of Teleosteans 178

Bishop, W. L. Eels and their Migrations 179

Regan, C.Tate Char of Great Britain 180

Smith, G Elliot— Tuberculum olj 'actor turn 341

Pika, Adolf— Races of Swine 342

Petit, L., Sen. Albinism in Birds and Mammals 342

Fuchs, Hugo Remains of Parasphenoid in an Opossum 342

Lonnberg, Einar— Notes on Clawless Otters 342

Fraipont, J. Affinities of the Okapi 342

Tornier, G. Partial Albinism in Grass Snake 342

Sternfeld, R.— Mimicry in bnakes 342

Zavattari, E. Musculature of Tongue in Geckos 343

Tornier, G. Root Growing through Lizard's Egg 343

Ogneff, J. F. Influence of Darkness and Starving on Chromataphores of Axolotl

and Goldfish 34:;

Vaillant, L. Drowning of Younj Toads .. .. 343

Ziegler, H. E. Horny Fibres of Selachians and Fin-rays of Teleosteans .. .. 343

Loeb, J. Heliotropism of Pelagic Animals 344

Grinnell, Joseph Animal Life of San Bernardino Mountains 344

Shipley, A. E. Cause of Appendicitis 344

Poll, H. Are there Suprarenal Bodies in Invertebrates ? 344

Howard, W. T. Kern-plasma Relation Theory 451

Piekon, H. Study of Autotomy 452

Shimer, H. W. Dwarf Faunas 452

Corsy Rat without a Tail 452

Frets, G. P. Variations in Vertebral Column of Echidna 452

Kukenthal, W. Asymmetry of Skull in Toothed Whales 452

Scharff, R. F. Early History of Irish Horse 452

Gelston, VV. R. Osmotic Pressures of Blood and Eggs of Birds 453

Barrington, R. M.— Three New Bird Records for Britain 453

Hooker, Davenport Behaviour of Newly-hatched Loggerhead Turtles 453

Hiksch-Tabor, 0. Brain of P or tens anguineus 453

Dollo, Louis Sailing Pishes . 454

Gill, Theodore Story of Devil-fish 454

Giaja, J. Removal of Swim-bladder in Minnow 454

Forbes, S. A., & R.E.Richardson Fishes of Illinois 454

Llon, N. Parasites in Roumania 455

Przibkam, Hans Experimental Biology 563

Midge, G. P. Chemical Nature of Albinism 563

Lloyd, R. E. Races of Indian Rats 563

Kazzanduk, Julius Hairs on Mole' s Hand 564

Beddard, F. E.— Notes on Ungulates 564



Bentham, T. Asiatic Horns and Antlers 564

Shull, Charles A. Abnormal Incisors of Woodchuck 564

Francois- France, Ch. A. Respiration in Tortoise 564

Siebenkock, F. Synopsis of Ghelonia 564

Kellicott, W. E. Survival after Injury in Toads 565

Allen, E. J. Mackerel and Sunshine 565

Tschernoff, N. D. Ear of Flying Fish 565

Johnstone, J as. Abnormal Brill 565

Gentes, L. Inferior Lobes of Torpedo Brain 565

Eemlingeb, P. Hereditary Immunity to Rabie* 566

Phisalix, M. Immunity of Snakes to Amphibian Poison ."itifi

Brinkmann, August Integumentary Glandular Organs in Anthropoids .. .. 709

Panella, A. Action of Extract of Suprarenal Capside on the Isolated Heart .. 709

Williams, S. R. Hibernating Racoon 709

Andersson, Lars Gabriel Genital Organs of Rodents 710

Kuthenthal, W. Hairs in Adult Dolphins 710

Bean, R. B. Types of Human Ears 710

Versloys, J. Large Parasphenoid in Turtle 710

Siebenrock, F. Pseudemydura 710

Aime, Paul, & Christian Champey Organ of Bidder in Toad 710

Reichard, J. Warning Colours in Coral-Beef Fishes 710

Allis, E. P., Jun. Cranial Anatomy of Mail-Cheeked Fishes 711

Gill, Theodore -Archer-fish 711

Panella, A. Nuclein Material in Various Stages of Eel 711

Boeke, J. Nervous System of Lancelet 711


Pizon, A. Phagocytosis and Auto-digestion in Diphsoma 37

Streiff, R. Musculature of Sal pa .. 37

Julin, Charles Phosphorescence of Pyrosoma 180

Martini, E. Constancy of Histological. Element* in Oikopleura longicauda .. .. 344

Chatton. E. Asidian Fixed in Skin of Holothurian 345

Daumezon, G. New Species of Didemnoides 455

Neumann, G. New Species of Pyrosoma 455

New Species of Doliolum 455

Brooks, W. K. (the late)— Pelagic Tunicates of Gulf Stream 566


Mollusca. Reynell, A. Molluscs from Bay of Biscay 566

a- Cephalopoda.

Distaso, A. Embryos of Sepia ^

Cuenot, & others— Branchial Hearts of Cephalopods J*°

Rcssell, E. S. North Sea Cephalopods •'.•_'

Guerin, J.— Tentacular Apparatus of Cephalopods '•'•;

Baglioni, S.— Olfactory 'and Tactile Sensitiveness of Octopus »°b

Isgrove, Annie Memoir of Eledone

j8 Gastropoda.

Calugareanu, D., & J. Dragoiu— Respiratory Epithelium in Pulmonale Gastropods K8

Tschachotin, S. Statocysts of lieteropods ^

Eliot, Sir Charles Sudanese Nudibranchs

Heath, Harold— Subradular Nervous Sydem of Solenogastres

Nierstrasz, H. F. Antarctic Solenogaster .',','(

Thiele, J.— Bathysciadium, Lepetella, and Addiwnia



Danforth, C. H. New Pteropod from New England 345

Colgan, N. Use of Slime-threads in Marine Gastropods 346

Vles, M. Snail on the Windoic -pane 456

Robert, A. Movements of Gastropods 456

Koehler, R., & A. Vaney New Prosobranch on Sea-urchins 456

Bauer, Albert Abnormal Tentacles inWater-snails 456

Thiele, J. Revision of Chitons 566

Bohn, G . Homing of Limpets 567

Perrier, Remy, & Henri Fischer Pallial Cstcum in Bulloidea 567

Massy, Anne L. Pteropods and ' Heteropods of Coasts of Ireland 567

Nekrassoff, A. Maturation and Fertilisation in Cymbulia peronii .. .. 567

Bellion, Marguerite Hibernation of Snail 712

Respiration of Hibernating Snail 712

Tur, Jan Action of Radium Rays on Ova of Philine 712

MacFahland, F. M. New Brazilian Opisthobranchs 713

5. Lamellibranchiata.

Stenta, Mario Classification of Lamellibranchs 39

Pelsenf.er, Paul Branchial Eyes of Bivalves 180

Dakin, \V. J. Striped Muscle in Mantle of Lamellibranchs 346

Pecten 346

Stafford, J.— Life-history of Canadian Oysters 346

Stenta, Mario Observations on Pinna 347

Mautin, F. Movements of Cyclas 347

Kobelt, W. Geological Interest of Distribution of Fresh-ioater Mussels 456

Milroy, J. A. Seasonal Variations in the Glycogen made by Oysters 567


a. Insecta.

Wesche, W. The Mouth-parts of the Nemocera and their Relations to the other Families in Diptera. Corrections and additions to the papers published in

1904 (Plates I. to IV.) 1

Meisenheimer, J. Regeneration of Wing in Lepidoptera 39

Sohleip, W. Polar Body Formation in Ant 40

Woodwokth, C. W. Leg Tendons of Insects 40

Kennel, J. Palsearctic Tortricidse 40

VVeise, J. Philippine Cassididse 40

Hesse, Ekich Lucilia as a Parasite 41

Banks, Charles S. Mosquito Breeding in Salt- and Fresh-water 41

Kammerek, P. Regeneration of Wing in Flies 41

Willesi, Victor Chironomid Larvse living in Leaves 41

Chadwick, G. H. Phytoptid Galls of North America 41

Thompson, O. S. Abdominal Appendages of Male Dragon flies 41

Bordas, L. Arborescent Glands of Female Cockroach 42

Bruntz, L. Kidneys of Thysanvra 42

Carpenter, G. H. Antarctic Aptera 42

Pantel, J. Vestigial Organs in Larval Muscids 181

Kahle, W. Piedogenesi* of Cecidomyids 181

Guilbeau, Braxton H. Froth in Spittle-inserts .. ., 181

Silvestri, F. Development of Parasitic Humenoptera 182

Enderlein, Gunther Myrmecophilu* Wingless Fly 182

Bruyant, L. Mites on Mosquitoes 182

Newstead, Robert Economic Entomology 182

Silvestri, F. Primitive Insects 182

Wesche, W. Proboscis of Blow-fly 182

Hallez, P. Crystals of the Cockroach' s Egg-shell 183

Bordas, L. Genital Apparatus of Female Cockroach .. 183

Vosseler, J. Myrmecophana fallax Brunner 183



Meitnier, F. Flies in Amber 183

Berlese, A. Treatise on Entomology 347

Bonnier, Gaston Sense of Direction in Bees 347

Leeiwen, W. Docters van Metamorphosis in Isosoma graminicola 347

Portier, P. Respiration of Aquatic Insects . .. 348

Stii/mata of Aquatic Insects 348

Digestion in Larvx of Water Beetles 348

Guyenot, E. Sensorial Papillae on Proboscis of Lepidoptera 34s

Samson, Katharina Excretion during Metamorphosis of Heterogenea 348

TragIrdh, Ivar Thaumatoxena 349

Smith, F., & others Tumbu-fly 349

Berger, E. W.— Whitefly Studies 349

Bugnion, E., & X. Popoff White Wax of China 349

Bueno, J. R. de la Torre Autotomy of Hemelytra in certain Halobatime .. .. 319

Werner, F. African Mantids and Belated Forms 350

Niessen. J. Galls of the Lower Rhine 350

Riley, W. A. Muscle Attachment in Insects 456

Foot, Katharine, & E. C. Strobell Nucleoli in Spermatocytes and Ova .. . . 457

Carpenter, G. H. Injurious Insects and Acarines in Ireland 457

Cuenot, L. Do Drones arise from Parthenogenetic Ova? 457

Roubaud, E. Links between Solitary and Social Wasps 457

Kirmayer, R. -Month-parts of Wasps 457

Kolisko, Alfred Inbreeding of Deli na tilise 458

Knoche, E. Ovaries of Pine Beetle 458

Hirschler, Jan Development of Donatio crassipes 458

Wesche, W. Eyes of Diptera .. .. 458

Pantel, J. Number of Segments in Muscid Larvae 459

Borner, C. Br aula and Thaumatoxena 459

Holmgren, Nils Endogamy in Termites 459

Borner, C Morphological Character of Tracheal Gills 459

Pantel, J., & R. de Sinety Reproduction of Phasmidx 459

Silyestri, F. Studies on Thysanura 459

Brues, C. T. Tropisms of Insects 568

Japha, Arnold Terrifying Attitude of Eyed Hawk-moth 568

Kosminsky, Peter Influence of Cold and Moisture on Lepidoptera 568

Guyenot, Emile Papillx on Proboscis of Lepidoptera 569

Delcourt, A.— Abrupt Var iation in Drosophila confusa .. 569

Perez, Charles— Metamorphosis of Anterior Part of the Alimentary Canal in

Muscid Larvae •• ?.&)

Hirschler, Jan Gastrulation in Gastroidea viridula »bJ

Scott, L. L. Study of Genus Disonycha «^l{

Patton, W. S Bed Bugs «gj

Wielowieyski, H. Ovary of Rhynchota ?'

Leigh, H. S. Study of Lea; -insect ^'

Bordas, L. Accessory Genital Organs in Female Cockroach 'J-'

Crampton, G. C. Thoracic Sclerites of Insects 'J|*

Picard, F. Burroiving Wasp Destructive of Glossina.. J1^

Davis, H. S. Spermatogenesis in Acrididee and Locustidse «j«

Marchal, P. Oviposition in Aphelinus ' ?

Adlerz, G. Gyuandromorphs of Anergates atratulus '^\

Lutz, Ad. Studies of Diptera _.,,

Kerlin, D.— Larvae of a Fly in Earthworms 'J.^

Perez, Charles Metamorphosis of Muscles in Muswte ,i|^

Comes, Orazio, & A. Berlese— Insects Injurious to Olives '*|j

Garcia- Varela, Antonio— Procession Moth in Galacia '

Hollande, A. Ch. Blood of Beetles ,_,,,

Jeannel, Rene Cave Beetles „,y

Blaisdell, Frank E. Genus Eleodes „^~

Roques, Xavier— Ferments in Larval \ Trichoptera •• •■ •• ••

Variations in Oxidising Ferment in Metamorphosis of Caddis-* ly /J/

Lutz, F. E. Taxonomic Characters of Gryllus i.^

Shelford, R. Amphibious Cockroaches


&• Myriopoda.

Ancel, P., & P. Bouin Dimorphic Spermatogenesis in Scutigera 42

Verhoefp, K. W. New Littoral Millipede 183

SiLVESTRi, F. New North American Millepedes 350

Studies on Centipedes 571

Attems, Carl Graf Ethiopian Myriopods 571

Doncaster, L. Abnormal Pair of Appendages in Lithobius 571

Chalande, J. & H. Ribaut Taxonomy of Hi ma.ntariidse 718

Attems, Carl Graf ' Vega' Myriopods 718

y- Prototracheata.

Spencer, Baldwin New Species of Peripatoides 570

Bouvier, E. L. New Australian Peripatus 719

Muir, F., & Kershaw, J. C. New Peripatus from the Moluccas 719

S. Arachnida.

Hirst, A. S. Stridulating Organs in Mygalomorph Spiders 42

Montgomery, T. H. Activities of Araneads 43

Wallstabe, P. Development of Spiders ,. .. 43

Williamson, Wm. Hydrwhnid* from Tiree 43

Ruhlemann, H. Malleoli of Solpugidse . . 43

Norman, A. M. Podosomata of Temperate Atlantic and Arctic Oceans 43

Smith, Frank P. British Spider* 183

F age, Louis New Marine Spider 184

Williamson, W. Scottish Hydrachnids .. 184

Soar, C. D. Hydrachna ?84

Diguet, L., & E. Simon Social Mexican Spider .. 350

Marshall, Ruth Species of Arrhenur us in the United States 350

Borrel, A. Demodex and Disease 350

Sokoloff, Iwan Lymphoid Glands in Scor pi 'on 459

Paok-Beresford, Denis R. Irish Spiders 460

Gozo, Angela Arachnids of Caves 460

Schurmann, W. Mange in Bats 460

Williamson, W. Atax and Unionicola 460

Borrel, A. Demodex and Leprosy 460

Jarvi, T. H. Vagina of Lycosidx 571

Hirst, A. S. Oriental Selifugae 571

Nuttall, G. H. F., & others Monograph on Ixodoidea 572

Simon, Eugene Spiders af Morocco 719

Brcyant, L. Harvest Mites on Man 719

Verdun, P. Trombidium and its Allies 719

Ewing, Henry E. Gribatoidea of Illinois 720

Cole, Leon J. Eastern Pacific Pycnogonids 720

e. Crustacea.

Hindle, E. Variation of Green Gland of Crayfish 44

Briot, A. Abnormality in Copulatory Appendage of Crayfish .. .. '. 44

Chichester, F. E. Daily Life of Cambarus bartonius 44

Nascimento, Luiz Gonzaga Do Breeding-periods of Portuguese Crustaceans .. 44

Racovitza, Emile G. New Mediterranean Isopod 45

,, Cavernicolous Trichoniscinx 45

Harman, Mary T. Regeneration and Moulting in Gammarus , .. .. 45

Stebbing, T. R. R. Two Neiv Northern Amphipods 45

Smith, G. W. Anaspididse 45

Tattersall, W. M. Antarctic Schizo pods 46

Farran, G. P. Species of Oithona 46

Woodward, Henry Loricula darwini 46

Wolfenden, R. Norris Antarctic Copepods 46



Dogiel, V. New Parasitic Copepod 47

Fischel, Alfred Nerves of Entomostraca 47

Esterley. C. 0. Optie Organ* of Eucalanw .. 47

Brozek, Arthur— Variation in Palx.nonetes Varians .. 184

Bruntz, L. Blood-forming Organs in Cumacea 184

Ridewood. W. G. Abnormal Oviducts in Lobster 184

Calman, W. T. New Crab from Telegraph Cable in Indian Ocean 185

Bare, Freda Body-spaces and so called Excretory Organs of Ibla quadrivalvis .. 185

Bordage, Edmond— Mutation in Atyidas 185

Scott, Thomas— New and Rare Entomostraca from Scottish Seas 185

Legendre, K. Traces of Autotomy in a Fossil 185

Gurney. R. On the Fresh-water Crustacea of Algeria and Tunisia (Plates VII.

to XIV.) 273

Cowles, R. P. —Behaviour of Ocypoda arenaria 351

Kiernik, E. Luminescence in Grustace i .. ., 352

Calman, W. T. Notes on Palinuridte 352

Tattersall, W. M. Mediterranean Schi.opods 352

Police, G. Visceral Nervous System in Sqtiilla mantis .. .. . 352

Caullery, Maurice Studies on Liriopsidas 352

Wenke, W. Eyes of A pus 353

Woltereck, R. Varieties of Daphni 'a 353

Byrnes, Esther F. Species of Cyclops 353

Chatton, E. Copepod Parasites of Tunicates 354

Drzewina, Anna Experiments on Locomotion of Crabs 4tJ0

Boudage. E. Regeneration in Aty a serrata . . 4G1

Lloyd, R. E. Bathynomns giganteus 4til

Minkiewicz. Romauld Colours of t] 'ippolyte variant 401

Baker, VV. H. South Australian Marine Isopods 462

Ortmann, A. E. New Schizopods from Alaska 572

Stebbing, T. R. R. New Species of Grandidierella 572

Man, J. G. De Caridina nilotica and its Varieties 572

Carl, Joh. Monograph on Swiss Isopods 572

Richardson, Harriet Leidya distorta -">72

Stebbing, T. R. R. New Amphi pod from Costa Rica 573

McC'lendon, J, F. Spon gi colons Crustaceans = 573

Potts, F. A. SaccuUna on Shore-crab 573

Da kin, W. J. Alimentary Canal and Food of Copepoda 573

Birge, E. A. Summer Resting Stage in Cyclops bicuspidatus . 574

Brehm, V. Entomostraca from Tripoli* and Barh a •■ 574

Sars, G. 0. Tanganyika Copepods 574

Gravier, Ch. Regeneration of Antennas in Palsemon olfersi •• 720

Cummings, Bruce F. Land Isopods oj Lundy Island 720

Annandale, Nelson Indian Barnacles 720

Hoek, P. P. C— ' Siboga ' Cirripeds 7-1

Brement, E. Ascidicolous Copepods 721


Falger, F. Luminescence of Acholoe astericola 48

Enders, Howard E. Tube* of Chxtopterus

Elrington, G. A. Larva of Eunice conch d egi i

Plessis, G. Du Protandry in Grubea

Soulier, A.— Polyspermy in Protula meilhaci

AshwoRTH, J. H. Giant Nerve-cell* of Holla

Michel, Aug. Regeneration in Saccocirrus

Ivanov, P. Regeneration in Spirograplii* *po1lanzani

Lanchester, W. F. Antarctic Species of Phascolosoma 50

Ikeda, Iwaji New Deep-sea Echiurid 50

Martiis, Luigi Cognetti de Penis of Criodrilini 50

Hemingway, Ernest E. New Leech .. *>0

Stimmer-Traunfels. Rudolf Ritter von New Myzostomum 50

Moltchanoff, L. A. Nephridia of Phasoolion |,v'



Michel, Ai'G. Stolons of Syllids 186

,. Sijllis vivipara 186

Mayer, A. G.— Atlantic Palolo 186

Ikeda, I. New Eehiuroid 187

Michel, A. Multiple Cephalisation in SyUis 354

Maule, Vaclav Innervation of the Pharynx in Oligochxta .. 354

Southern, Rowland Oligochxta of the British Isles 462

Gravier, Ch. Ilegeneration of Anterior Portion of Chxtopterus 462

Malaquin, A. Nephridia of Salmacina and Filograna 462

Miciiaelsen, W. Study of Tubificidx . . . 462

Mencl, E. Ley dig's Punktsubstanz in Nerve-cord of Leech 462

Jakiibski, A. W. Supporting Tissue of the Nervous System of Leeches at the Anterior

and Posterior Ends 463

Braem, F. Change of Sex in Ophryotrocha puerilis 575

Kostanecki, K. Artificial Parthenogenesis in Aricia 575

Elwes, E. V. Littoral Polychxta of Torquay 575

Salensky, W.— Development of Echiurus 575

Ritter-Zahony, R. von Mediterranean Chsetognatha 575

Goddard, E. J. Australasian Oligoch seta 575

Sterling, S. Vascular System of Oligochxta 576

Joseph, H. Amozbocytes of Lumbricus 576

Michaelsen, W., & J. Stephenson Indian Oligochxta 577

Michaei sen. \V. Fresh-water Oligochxta 577

Johansson, L. Fresh-water Hirudinea 577

Goddard, E. J. New Australian Leech 577

Bilek, Fr. Minute Structure of Vascular System in Branchiobdella 577

Hesse, E. Spermatogenesis in Earthworm 721

Pierantuni, Umberto New Marine Oligpchxt 721

Cerruti, Attilio Paraonidx 722

Martiis, Luigi Oognetti de Modifications of Earth-worm's Structure Due to

Nematodes .. 722

CJbavely, F. H. Polychxt Larvx 722

Eoeser, R. Ciliated Organs of Birudinex 722

Moltschanuff. L. A. Chsetognatha of Black Sea 722

Galzon, P. Chsetognatha of Pacific- Boreal Sub-region 723

ISTematohelminthes .

Fayet & Moreau Notes on Nematodes 50

Goldschmidt. R. Nervous System of Ascaris 51

Shipley, A. E., &R. T. Leiper Cystidicola farionis 51

Schepotieff, A. Excretory System of Echinorynch us gigas 187

Potts, F. A. Sexual Phenomena in Free-living Nematodes 187

Railliet, A., & A.Henry Classification of Strongylidx 187

Martini, E. Development of Nematodes ■■ 354

Unterbeuger, Fr. Oxyuris in connection with Appendicitis ■• 354

Shipley, A. E. Nematodes in Grouse 355

Raillet, A., & A. Henry Classification of Strongylidx 463

Glaue, H. Ascaris cam's and Ascaris felis 463

Rheindorff Filar ia in Human Spleen 463

Rosseter, T. B. New Tapeworm from Wild Duck 464

Fiebiger, J. Parasites on Zeus faber .. . . 464

Ja'gerskiold, L. A. Trematodes from Birds 464

Arnsdorff, A. New Species of Monostomum 464

Bruyant, A. Planaria alpina in Auvergne 464

Dawydoff, C Regeneration in Nemerteans 464

Sweet, Georgina Australian Endoparasites 578

Jagerskiold, L. A. Fresh-water Nematodes 578

Camerano, L. Indian Gordiacea 578

Schaffner, John H. Chromosome Differentiation in Ascaris megalocephala .. .. 723

Mathis, C, & M. Leger New Filaria in a Lemur 723

Ja'gerskiold, L. A. Eustrongylides and Hystrichis 723



i i

Sabussow, H. Crystalloids in Epithelial Cells of Planarians 51

Hallez, Paul History of Nuclei of Yollt-celh in Rhabdocoelids .51

Linton, Edwin Cestode Cysts in Flesh of Butterflth 51

Egg-making in a Trematode f>'2

>teinmann. P. Regeneration in I'lanarian 1ST

Pieron, H. Movements of Convoluta 188

Hallez, Paul Paracortex scrobicularix Wahl 1K8

Athias. M. Trematode in Hibernating Gland, of Hedgehog 188

Miestinger. K. Structure of Sterrhwrus fusiformis Liihe 188

Rosseter, T. B. Hymenolepis farciminalis 1S8

Neveu-Lemaire, Maurice Larval Ligula in Cranial Cavity of Tench 188

Hajimerschmidt, J. Spermatozoa of Planar ia lactea 355

Hofsten, Nils von Planaria alpina on Northern Swedish Mountains 355

Wilhelmi, J. Observations on Otoplana 355

Raillet, A., & A. Henky New Species of Echinostoma in Dog 355

Linstow, O. von Distomum Larvae, in a Caterpillar 355

Nicoll, W., & W. Small Larval Trematodes 355

Ward. Henry B.— Determination of Human Entozoa 356

Garrison, Philip E. New Intestinal Trematode of Man 356

Shipley, A. E. Tapeworms in Grouse 356

,, Triasnophorus nodulosus 356

Barbieki, C. New Species of frhthyotsenia , 356

Linton, Edwin Cestodes of the Dry Tortugas 356

Fuhrmann, O. Anonchotsenia .. :;57

Salensky. W. Development of Prosworhmus viviparus 357

Johnstone, Jas. Endoparasites of Fishes 578

Fuhkmann, O. New Davaineidse 578

Nicoll, W. Structure and Classification of Digenetic Trematodes 578

Barrois, Th. New Species of Chiorchis 578

Nicoll, W. Entozoa of British Fishes 723

Tsuchiya, J. Japanese Schistosomiasis .. 723

Garrison, P. E., & R. Leynes Conditions of Development in Paragonimus . . . . 724

Mo.nticelli, F. S. Nitzsehia 724

Oxner, M. Hermaphroditism in a Nemertean "2-t

Incertse Sedis.

Masterman, A. T. Nutritive Process in Tornaria '-

Tkeda, Iwaji Swimming Habit of Japanese Enteropneust 52

Oka, Asajiro New Genus of Fresh-water Bryozoa from Japan »2

Poche, Franz Review of Aetinotrocha liS^

Menneguy, F. Remarkable Epithelium in Bryozoa, 188

Caullery, M., & A. Lavallee Fertilisation and Development in Orthonectids .. 357

Waters, A. W. Bryozoa from the Sudanese Red Sea 358

Spencer, Baldwin— 4n/maZ of Doubtful Affinity •• *65

Martin, C. H. Weldonia parayguensis